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With a sleek black frame and modern design, the Seleste Glasses don't look out of the ordinary at first glance, but they certainly are.


Our glasses, in tandem with the free Seleste app, offer hands-free video calling with friends, family, and free volunteers. Utilize AI features such as object recognition, scene description, and a text reader to help provide you with freedom and independence.


Equipped with built-in headphones and an autofocus camera which allows you to read everything from the small text on a food label to a large sign down the road.


Terms and Conditions

Seleste Smart Glasses

Lens Color
We are accepting deposits to reserve a pair of glasses for you for our next limited release. We expect the glasses to cost $950 and release at the end of 2023, however, this may change.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How long does the Subscription last?

    The monthly subscription for our glasses is continuous, similar to other subscriptions like Netflix. With the subscription you get free weekly software upgrades, free hardware upgrades whenever the newest hardware comes out and a warranty on the glasses. 

    Can you ship the glasses internationally?

    Yes! Within Canada, America, the UK and Australia you can order the glasses directly from our website. If you live outside of one of those areas send an email to and we still may be able to ship you the glasses

    What lenses do the glasses come with and can I put in perscriptions?

    The glasses come in clear, black-tinted lenses or blue reflective lenses. You can also put prescription lenses or specialty lenses into the glasses yourself by taking them to an optometrist and asking them to put in the lenses you want. 

    How does Warranty and Returns work?

    We have yet to have a single case of the glasses breaking so far but in the rare case the glasses do break you can get one pair for free per year. You can return the glasses at any time, there is no commitment on the subscription. If you decide to return the glasses within the first 30 days we will refund the upfront payment and the first month's subscription.

    How do you setup the Glasses?

    The glasses connect to the Seleste app on your phone. On the app, we have a guided setup process as well as a page with instructions on how to use the glasses. The glasses connect to your phone's Bluetooth and either wifi or your phone's hotspot. Once the glasses are connected the app doesn't need to be open and you can use the glasses with your phone in your pocket.

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